This year’s Respect for All Week (RFA) will take place from February 10–14.
During RFA
Week, we celebrate, highlight, and build upon ongoing diversity programs and curriculum based instruction. Below are the themes for each day during RFA week:
Monday 2/10: Celebrate Kindness
Wear Green
Give a “kindness card” to someone
Tuesday 2/11: Anti-Bullying
Wear Blue
Anti-Bullying Poster Contest (Students can submit their posters to Ms. Hines by Friday 2/14)
Wednesday 2/12: Respect for Diversity
Wear clothing that represents your culture or ethnic background
Thursday 2/13: Gender Identity/LGBTQ Pride & Acceptance
Wear Red, Pink, or Hearts to show love and acceptance for all
Friday 2/14: No One Eats Alone Day
Wear McKee Swag
Lunch social for students in the MPR (Room 317) during all lunch periods